Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Aging of Our Daughter Adrian!

As parents, its hard to see your children begin to turn 40 since we thought we were old when we turned 40. And now we have children that old?! it was especially hard for Theron to turn 40.  He kept telling me, "my father was this old when I was born."  Turning forty was not a time of graceful aging for him.  However, our daughter has gracefully aged.

August 7, 1975 to August 7, 2015 = 40 years of blessedness for us.  Our daughter is perfect!  We love her more now than we ever have and she is a wonderful mother, companion, Temple goer, Family History worker, and friend to many.  She is delightful and I particularly love that she thinks and has Theron's outlook and wit about her.  If you've never noticed, she is quick with a great response and she loves holding out to the last minute before committing to do anything to consider all the options.

I also love that our children are getting together to celebrate these activities as we are far, far away.  I received an e-mail from a friend telling me how proud we must be of our family because they are staying so close as we are serving.  That was probably one of the best compliments I could ever receive.  I love that they love each other.  I also love the neat things our boys made Adrian for her birthday.

Look at this great Family Home Evening board and the knife holder.  Aren't these the best children in the whole world!!! They are to us.  Thank you children and we send our love and kisses.
Now this is what it is all about, our three rough riders!  Love this picture.

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