Wireless Internet Repeater |
Saletele Chapel |
Saletele Chapel - how fun it would be to sit in an open fale looking out over the ocean for sacrament meeting. We went into the clerk's office to install the new firewall; but, there was literally only one electrical outlet so there was no plug available for the firewall. This will require another trip with a larger power/surge protector strip!
Uafato Chapel (well, open air fale with a small clerk building and an outhouse). This village is on the far east end of Upolu. It is literally over the rivers and through the banana and coconut trees. The mountains are very high on one side with dozens of long waterfalls cascading down through the lush green foliage and the ocean on the other side with waves lapping up onto the sandy beaches. It is truly a beautiful setting.
As we arrived at the Uafato Chapel one of the BlueSky technicians was just installing the antenna on the roof of the fale and when the connection was completed, he launched lds.org and played a church video. Rather amazing to witness the preaching of the gospel in this corner of the world taking a giant leap forward. FYI the second use of the internet was an e-mail to the FM (Facilities Management) telling them to install a cabinet for the firewall, and to kill the hornets living under the eves of the Bishop's office. (First world technology creates first world attitudes)
Theron is standing on the front entrance of the church fale. This is the chapel, Sunday School room, primary room and all other rooms other than the bishop's office which is visible above in front of the BlueSky truck.
The bishop (seated in the foreground) and two other brethren from the church were there observing the installation, When everything was completed, they, in true Samoan style, set-up a meal of canned corned beef and boiled bananas for the installers. We declined their offering, hopefully without offending them.
Wow. I'm moving